

Full-Stack Software Developer

Hi, I'm Winnie. I'm a software engineer looking to build solutions that tackle complex problems of scale and make a positive impact. Previously, I spent my career understanding the finance and strategy of large business operations for management teams, shareholders, and company boards as a private equity investor. Now I'm looking to leverage my past experiences and knowledge as I join fellow engineers to build the solutions that we'd like to see in the world. My goal is to work alongside likeminded, entrepreneurial individuals and build user-friendly, scalable and maintainable tech solutions.

  • Languages: JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, SQL, HTML, CSS
  • Frameworks / Libraries / Tools: React, React Testing Library, Node.js, RESTful APIs, Express.js, Flask, Django, FactoryBoy, JSON Web Token, Jest, unittest, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, AWS S3


Learn more about my professional experience here.


  • Warbler - a full stack microblogging & networking site
    Tech stack: HTML & CSS | Flask | RESTful API | PostgreSQL
  • Jobly - a full stack mock job board site
    Tech stack: React | Express | RESTful API | PostgreSQL
  • Sharebnb - a full stack mock space sharing site
    Tech stack: React | Flask | RESTful API | PostgreSQL | AWS S3


You can find and reach me here: